Sunday, November 26, 2006


Being the start of the second sem, I want to reflect on the most wonderful week for students last sem - Finals week. Here's last sem's Finals week from my perspective.

Day 1 - Heaven can wait until next week!
Day 2 - Last minute reviews for math problems that never appeared at all in the exam.
Day 3 - WentNuts for GoNuts Donuts coffee.
Day 4 - Looking at greeting cards for no reason at all.
Day 5 - Week done, time for self-reflection.

Monday, November 20, 2006


26 October 2006 @ Dencio's, Rockwell

Sembreak is a time for frolicking, sleeping, and drinking.
Mel 5 minutes before the photo above was taken.
Mel, again, 5 minutes before the 2nd photo was taken.
Lesley, wala lang... making a point.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


4 October 2006

While everyone in class was under their desks during the earthquake drill, people in the pubroom were under... nothing.
But some of us took this drill seriously. I mean, who could be more serious than Lesley?
Nothing like a good smile before being hit by an earhquake. :)

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Proof that Ramon Lee's Chicken is THE BEST, ever.

Oh, and Ayo, F--k you. Haha!

Friday, November 10, 2006

SY 06-07 1st Sem Recap: COM 144 - INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING (M 930-1230)

There were countless times when I thought to myself: "Why did I take this subject?" Sure I liked journalism but going this deep (or in Ayee's terms, the next level) isn't my thing. I've had my share of doubts and metaphysical unease with this subject, but I'm happy with what I've learned and experienced.

It seemed only last Monday that the class chillaxed on a 15-minute break.It seemed only last last Monday that we had mock interviews to prime ourselves for big fish interviewing.
It seemed only five Mondays ago (9 October 2006 to be exact) that Miss Chay Hofilena left us with her parting words.
Well, I'm done reminiscing. Just enjoy the photos!

(I can't leave this one uncaptioned, although I still can't see the resemblance.)
Obviously, this class is a (almost) tightly-knit group and every week was like hanging out with your close friends for three hours.
Too bad it's over.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

SY 06-07 1st Sem Recap: EC 102 - BASIC ECONOMICS (MWF 730-830)

I will never forget this subject for several reasons. One being that economics - a topic that I once thought to be boring - was brought into a fun light by the man below - Mr. Patrick Gerard Simon-King.
The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility - something that stuck to my mind even after the sem ended - thanks to the free snacks.
It is only in this class that you can relate economics to an episode of The Simpsons.
The early schedule! Man, my Wednesdays and Fridays last sem were never more fun with both days ending at 8:30 AM! You know what that meant! WHOOO!!
Of course, the ever-infamous group project at Manila's photography district- R. Hidalgo street. Although the grade for that project didn't add up to my expectations, it was still fun...
because three people got to experience the taste of Ramon Lee's Chicken - the LEGEND among LEGENDS in Manila fine dining! KFC ain't got nothing on Ramon Lee! WHOOO!
And the cool Japanese-era bill souveneir and lectures aside, the most important thing that Mr. Simon-King imparted to us was his prayer which went something like this:

Dearest Lord,

For all that has been, thank you. For all that will be, yes!


Sunday, November 05, 2006

SY 06-07 1st Sem Recap: COM 102 - COMMUNICATION RESEARCH (T-TH 9-1030)

Mr. Sev Sarmenta's wacky yet simultaneously informative teaching style aside, Comm Res was, for the most part, a pretty good subect, largely because of my groupmates.

Now, I'll confess that I had doubts that our group would have some issues, I mean, Sure, Scott I knew from English and Lit class, Sab, acquaintance before but chummies after this sem, and Trisha, never met her until this sem. Ehem. But all in all, it's a good thing we were able to finish off those projects. Anyone care to reminisce the A's? Haha!

But we DID have a setback, like the "bungled" FRIENDS content analysis. It's cool, it's cool. At least we got to hang out at Trisha's place.

Thank you Sab for pulling us through those paperwork! I really aprreciate it. And on a related note, let's cover the Lady Eagles again next time!

Scott, thanks for the printing and legwork! Sorry I wasn't able to join you and Sab at the Sabungan.

And Trisha, it's real nice to have met you.