This is one of the classes that i will sorely miss come next semester. Media in China taught me so much about Mainland China's media culture and behavior - from how Chinese journalism began under Liang QiChao to the student revolt in Tiananmen Square in 1989.
One of the most important things I learned from this class is: There is no chance in hell that I would want to work as a journalist in China. NO EFFIN WAY!!! I can'r even imagine HOW they (the Chinese journalists) survive there, with the censorship and all. Please.
Anyway, my big thanks to Rosa Ladrido for leading the way in our class' learning. Although we may only be a humble six in the class, I feel that what you've imparted to us will really leave a mark in our lives.
From our shake-drinking session...

to our personal insights regarding Chinese newspapers...

to our individual reports based on our tissue-paper-like readings... (Thanks to Melo)

to our sharing of Chinese artifacts... (courtesy of Mikael)

And of course, to our last day... With all the food...

and picture-taking...

to the final farewell...

(Second from left) Louella, Ilene, Mikael, Paterno, Melo, and of course (seated), Rosa Ladrido, thank you all for a wonderful sem!
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